Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

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Letters of thanks

Banda Aceh, 3 march 2017
To My Professors beloved, Mrs Susilawati S.kom
Asslamualaikum wr …. Wb
Hallo Mrs, how are you.? I hope Mrs always healthy and are under the protection of allah SWT.
Mrs, I am writing this letter to thanks the infinite to the services Mrs so great to me, Mrs has guided me with patience and sincerity in one semester. Mrs has taught me many things.
Mrs change my weak become strong, Mrs change my timid become brave, Mrs change my lack of confidence became more confident, Mrs changed me for the better. Mrs give science that was for me very helpful. Mrs thanks for everything.
Therefore, through this letter I wish to thank Mrs, this my not be comparable to what has been Mrs gave me, I can only pray that Mrs have always been healthy and are under the protection of allah SWT.
Nothing is eternal in this world, but the service and dedication will continue to live all the time,.
Thanks you beloved of my teachers.
With love


Letters of congratulations

JL. Peukan Bada ulee lheu, No 99 telp 9999999
Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh

Aceh Besar, 3 march 2017
PT. Motor Abadi Jaya
Jl, Permata Biru 17
With respect,
We rejoice and share happy for the inauguration of new motorcycle dealer branch perennial pidie jaya.
Hopefully, with the opening of the new branch will be more success.
Best Regards
PT. Jaya Selalu
Ardi Alvaro

Letters of sympathy and condolence

Banda Aceh, 1 march 2017
Mr. Hotman Panggabean
Jl, Daud beureueh 34
Banda Aceh
With Respect,
We had received a telegram from the father, and of the new telegram we received one day after the death of Mrs. Fatmawati. But we were sorry not immediately seeing our task no substitute. For a time, perhaps only this letter as substitute ourselves.
our condolences over the death of Mrs. Fatmawati. Requiem deceased hopefully get a decent place in the sight of allah.
Mr and all families may cope with this ordeal… amiiiin……
Wassalam us,

To rijal

I’ve heard that you do not feel well.

I am praying for a quick recovery. Get better
and make my prayers come true.
I’am sending you warm regards and hopes that
you will get well soon.
Your friend,
Ardi Alvaro

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